Since each project
has individual conditions, and since there are several factors involved in
setting the price for a given language service such as difficulty of the
text, required deadline, volume of source text etc., it is almost
impossible to calculate the final price in advance without seeing the text
Would you like a
(non)-binding price offer from us? Feel free to send the text, or a
portion of it, to us as the attachment of an e-mail and we will answer
shortly with our offer. We provide further information on request so you
can weigh the seriousness of our offer.
To make the
calculation of the final price easier for you, here are some guidelines:
translations are based on a per source word method of settlement. In cases
where the number of source words is difficult to determine, however, the
hours needed to complete the given job are counted and an hourly rate is
used. Projects falling short of a minimum size are based on an average
price, to be agreed upon mutually, this doesn't apply to regular
customers, or to addenda to previous projects.
For large projects,
and whenever a set yearly volume is exceeded, and with regular customers,
a staggered reduction scheme up to even 10 % of the final sum is applied.
Also, an average
price is calculated for passages and corpora retrieved from data banks and
reused by means of TM programs (Trados or Transit).
Verification of
texts, authoring and research into literature are based on the actual
expenses incurred, with an hourly rate depending on the difficulty of the
text, languages involved, and type and amount of the text.
Extra charges are
not applied for immediate processing (rush fee) or for difficult to
process texts.